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Magnesite does not ordinarily form good crystals, but can make up a substantial portion of some rock types. It forms commonly from the alteration of magnesium-rich rocks during low grade metamorphism while they are in contact with carbonate-rich solutions. Magnesite has the same crystal structure of calcite, hence its inclusion into the calcite mineral group. Many of the properties of magnesite are either identical or similar to those of calcite. However, the magnesium ion does not allow the carbonate ion (CO3) to interact as easily with cold acids, as the calcium ion does in calcite. This provides the best means of distinguishing magnesite from calcite. However, dolomite(MgCa(CO3)2) can be almost indistinguishable from magnesite.

  • Physical Characteristics.

         • Color is white or gray, also tinted yellow or brown.
         • Luster is vitreous.
         • Transparency crystals are translucent to transparent only in individual crystals.
         • Crystal System is trigonal; bar 3 2/m
         • Crystal Habits are usually massive forms such as lamellar, fiberous and course         to fine grained rocks. Crystals are extremely rare, but when found are in the         form of rhombohedrons or hexagonal prisms with a pinacoid termination.
         • Cleavage is perfect in three directions forming rhombohedrons.
         • Fracture is conchoidal to uneven.
         • Hardness is 4 - 4.5.
         • Specific Gravity is approximately 3.0 (average)
         • Streak is white.
         • Associated Minerals calcite, dolomite, aragonite, strontianite and serpentine.
         • Other Characteristics: effervesces easily only in hot dilute hydrochloric acid.
         • Notable Occurrences include Austria; Bahia, Brazil; Korea; China; California,         USA and many European localities.
         • Best Field Indicators are crystal habit, reaction to acid, occurrence and         cleavage.


         • Dead-burned magnesia - DBM Sinter magnesia Basic refractories
         • Fused or electrofused magnesia - FM
           Thermal insulation (refractories)
           Electrical insulation (electric ovens and appliances)
         • Caustic-calcined magnesia - CCM
           Extraction of magnesium
           Production of fused magnesia
           Cement, Insulation
           Fertilizer and animal feed
           Stabilizer during vulcanization of rubber
           Production of uranium
           Chemical and environmental applications (notably in water treatment and gas        desulfurization)


An important ore of magnesium and its salts. Used in the manufacture of basic refractories capable of withstanding extremely high temperatures and for special types of cement and powders used in the paper, rubber and pharmaceutical industries.


  • Magnesite or magnesium carbonate (precipitated)
    Insulation, Rubber
    Paint pigments and Ink
    Glass and ceramics

  • Brucite or magnesium hydroxide
    Sugar refining
    Flame and smoke retardants
    Chemical and environmental applications (notably in water treatment)

  • Magnesium chloride
    Ceramics and refractories
    Textiles, Paper
    Chemical applications
    Production of magnesium

  • Magnesium sulfate
    Pulp and paper
    Animal feed